After having been given the finger by two motorists in two days who were both a) in the wrong and b) entirely anonymous, I think I probably have the right to be a tad tetchy (what with being a bit of a greeny and not really approving of the whole automobile industry thing and all). However, to have this inter-dispersed with genuinely insulting experiences that support the notion that mechanics are all they’re cracked up to be, I’ve had it with the blatant ridiculousness of our callously-cool crazed, bullshit-swamped, and totally-disinterested-with-being-nice-to-one-another façade of a cohesive society.

I am seriously considering giving up caring about anyone (or anything) at all. The only thing stopping me is the fact that I know that this is precisely what they want us to do. Who are they, you may well ask?

They are very difficult to pin down, and may very well not exist at all, but as Maynard James Keegan of Tool sings ‘That doesn’t mean I don’t desire to point the finger, blame the other.’ It’s possible that there are “hidden� ones that call the shots for our society, such as the Masons or Illuminati, and their agenda is to keep us all distracted as cattle, mooing and crowing at one another simply so that we all can be upset at one another rather than upset about the way things are going, and quietly shrug it all off as “just life�, or “just another anonymous arsehole�, while they play “real world� politics and push us around a computer screen like the insignificant little bits of data that we have allowed ourselves to be duped into becoming. (Something deep inside me hopes to God that one of those working for such a society intercepts this letter, comes to my house in the deep of night, and takes me away. It would help on two levels, no more bullshit, and – more significantly – no more bullshit.)

Unfortunately, though, I suspect such rumours are merely conjecture that the not-too-bright psychopaths that run this world are happy to have flying around so that it takes the onus off them if and when things stuff up (and yes, I do mean psychopaths, it is the appropriate term. Not that all of our world leaders are psychopaths, but I am referring to those that indeed fulfil the requirements of the condition known as psychopathy, and thanks to right wing ideology, they seem to be increasingly in the majority). Oh yes, come Armageddon (or its nearest estimate), they can retire to their custom built island and sip their gin happily from dew laden palm fronds, held and supported by several incredibly insular and equally incredibly sexually desirable figures (or whatever it is one does on such islands), satisfied in the knowledge that their influence on the world has been to create more like them – thus making them feel like a true pater-familias – all the while their alter ego’s rid the place of the rabble that are deluded in giving a shit about anyone but themselves by giving them the finger in inappropriate and undesirable circumstances, making them want to be taken away in the middle of the night by illusory secret society members.

So, why am I bothering to tell you all this? I’m hoping in vain that it makes some sense to you, (any one of you) and that you can translate it back to me so that I can make sense of it all and start to feel, if not good, then at least contented about this seemingly ridiculous stupidity, because I think I’m a decent fellow, and I can’t for the slightest instant understand why I’m putting up with this flagrant disregard for, well, umm, being decent to one another any longer!

I suspect nothing of the sort will occur, and you’ll quietly say to yourself, ‘why doesn’t Alex just get himself a girlfriend?’

I’ll hopefully get to cover that in my next rant. Thanks for your time.


It is greed that has brought on the death of this planet,
And it is money that has given greed it’s wings.

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